
XtmasTree featured in two Portuguese Newspapers (DN/JN)

Today, we are featured in Notícias Magazine which is distributed with two reference newspapers in Portugal, Diário de Notícias and Jornal de Notícias.

The article includes an interview with me about our XtmasTree app, and other Portuguese app developers who have developed Christmas apps.

Ricardo and XtmasTree app featured in DN/JN (1/12/2013)

Ricardo and XtmasTree app featured in DN/JN

English article translation (by Google): http://goo.gl/bEb7IB
Original article @ DN/JN: http://goo.gl/lounVshttp://goo.gl/sWhslN

New Project… New iPhone…

That’s it! New project…

I’m working against the clock trying to implement an iPhone App dedicated to the 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa.

I have a friend who promissed to help me with the graphics, let’s wait I can arrange the time (in my little spare time!) to make a functional prototype! If I can do it, then my friend will do the graphics, we’ll polish ant test the App and try to launch it in the App Store!

Unfortunately I only had this idea a few days ago (it didn’t existed on the App Store, now I can see some similar Apps), but I think that it will be nice to try hard to achieve it, so that I/we can at least gain some more experience on iPhone development.

I hope luck is on our side!

Now, the new iPhone…

Today, Apple announced the new iPhone 4 (powered by the new Apple A4 processor) and featuring quite a lot of new interesting features, like:

  • Multitasking
  • Retina Display, an incredible 960×640 resolution, glass display with a
  • 5 MegaPixel Camera with a LED Flash
  • FaceTime (video calls)
  • 720p HD Video Recording (up to 30fps)
  • Improved Battery Time and so on…

Apple, also announced the new iOS4 that will be available through a free software update. Unfortunately it will be compatible with all previous iPhone versions, except my 2G! :-/

You can see the new iOS4 features on the following page: “http://www.apple.com/iphone/softwareupdate/“.

With so much Apps on my iPhone, the Folders new feature would be very welcome!

I’m also curious and interesting in exploring 2 new features:

  • Gift Apps and
  • Apple’s iAds.

Well, now I have some code to type…


PS:  Here you have a nice video about the new iPhone 4 design: “http://www.apple.com/iphone/design/index.html#design-video“.

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