Hi everyone!

This will be a space for my simple notes about development and other things…

That can include a lot of technologies, knowledge areas and maybe even about stuff out of the IT field.

By now I intend to be more focused on Apps and Game Development for mobile phones (essentially iPhone and Android phones), but not limited to these.

My main objective with this space/blog is to share my little notes and appointments about the things I’m learning, trying, experimenting, developing, using, etc, etc… in a relaxed way, without being to much worried in writing it in a professional way.

This will be an experiment above all, which I think I can use to keep me more motivated and more focused, sharing and discussing (with your help!) my little improvements, problems, thoughts, whatever…

If you find any useful or interesting information here, please let me know, I’ll be glad for knowing that! You’re welcome to share and discuss your opinions here, even when they are different from my point of view, that’s the way we can learn new things with each others.

Be my guest…



PS: I also hope to use this blog to practice a little more of my English (as a foreign language), if you find errors/typos, please let me know it, so that I can improve my English and the contents of this space.